Coming to you on 2/22/22, we’re excited to offer the latest edition of the Shangri-La Podcast. After surviving the regional ice storm and seeing a reduction in the number of local Covid cases, optimism is in the air and music events are starting to pick up. To that end, we’re excited to announce that we will be sponsoring two upcoming “Stereo Sessions” at the Memphis Listening Lab, one each in March and April. JD and John discuss this series, some new local releases and shop additions, and this spring’s regular April RSD event. We also get a special session from Jeremy Scott of Reigning Sound notoriety. Scott’s debut solo album Bear Grease recently dropped via JD’s Back to the Light label, with lead folk-pop single “Fred Neil Armstrong” receiving video treatment. Check it out and swing by the shop to grab the LP.

As always, you can find the podcast on Spotify, Apple Podcasts, Stitcher , Google Podcasts, and through the Back to the Light podcast network. We’ll be taking off the month of March, but we’ll be back in April!