Cloudland Canyon – Fin Eaves



After his partner Simon Wojan left to pursue gigs with King Khan & the Shrines, Kip Uhlhorn and his wife created a beautiful album that deviates from Cloudland Canyon’s Krautrock origin. Instead, it is a rock ‘n’ roll dream, inspired by its namesake (Cloudland Canyon Park in Tennessee). Textured, powerful, and poetic, this album’s deep grooves will leave you in awe of Uhlhorn’s musicianship and inventiveness.

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Weight 1 lbs
  1. No One Else Around
  2. Fin Eaves
  3. Sister
  4. Gracious Hearts
  5. Mothlight, Pt. 2
  6. Pinklike/Version
  7. Hope Sounds Dry
  8. Yellow Echoezs
  9. Mothlight, Pt. 2 (Reprise)