We’re celebrating Record Store Day (Saturday, April 13) in a big way again this year, getting in tons of limited edition titles from a wide variety of distributors, including some UK RSD releases. We’ll open up around 9 am, but folks start lining up early so be sure to set your clock. If you’re a late riser, don’t worry, you’ll be just in time to get some records and enjoy a free show with Mark Edgar Stuart + Art Edmaiston starting at 1 pm.

Additionally, this year we’re joining our friends at Goner in the inaugural Memphis Record Ride. A shuttle will be driving a loop, taking customers between Shangri-La Records and Goner Records in midtown, as well as downtown to Memphis Music. Later in the day the shuttle will also include trips through Crosstown Brewing Company and Memphis Made Brewing, before finally dropping guests off at Railgarten for The Kickback: Day La Sol Edition. So come early, come late, but just don’t miss it!